radio shows

Poetic Healing w/ Zen & Kondo

Started online amidst the global covid 19 pandemic in 2020 as a way to nurture the creative desires and kindred connections of Zen, Kondo & special guests between the UK, Germany and New York on THF Radio Berlin.

an hour of power w/ zen

An ancestral cosmic odyssey exploring the landscapes of the human experiment through energetic celestial migrations.


various collaborative sonic experiments

Audio visual dream meditation between Zen & Mx. Oops - on invitation from Sonya Lindfors for the Side Step X Urban Apa festival on dreaming and postcolonial futures in Helsinki Feb 7, 2018.

Transcending the drum woven - transatlantic slave migration from Africa, this sound collage uses the legacy of the colonial sugar empire to explore a cyborgian utopia and hybridisation of race, identity, power and futurity through the narrative gateway of the modern human experiment.

∆°sugar - sweet exodus project // Artwork by ∆ Hector Eliazar Ortiz Roa